I realised this morning that I forgot how to braid my hair.
I hadn’t done so in a phat while and it did sadden me to know that skill and what you’ve worked hard on can just
Slip through your fingers
If you neglect it for long enough.
But whilst I was relearning how to weave my fingers and reawakening what little muscle memory was left,
It hit me!
To neglect and forget is one of the biggest blessings one could possibly be bestowed.
Everything that I’m doing wrong, every harmful habit and draining person,
I could avoid for like 2 weeks
And that’s it. I’ve created space for the better.
And then hopefully, I can choose better! Create better! Be better!
It’s easy to slip into the illusion that you are pathetic and passive and things happen to you.
Things happen because of you! For you! From you!
Existing is so pretty, so undeniably beautiful if you make it so.
Existing is so ugly, so undeniably hideous if you make it so.
Isn’t that the most liberating realisation? Doesn’t it just spark so much intense joy within every atom of your being?
That you’re not pathetic and a sheep. You’re not a victim or a bored passenger. Life is not happening to you.
It’s happening with within you.
It is you!
So you can change absolutely anything you want to! You can forget, swap out, create, destroy, reinvent. You can do all the verbs!
We are life.
And isn’t that just so much more than enough?