Dedicated to my sisters- all the gals I've had the privilege of being friends with.
Sisterhood is one of the most magical things in existence, and I’m so beyond honoured to be able to experience it.
I can say as an objective fact, friendships with girls are so supportive and filled with unconditional love. Even girls who I’ve never met before have had my back and hyped me up so lovingly.
How I LIVE for our tea spilling sessions, the random creations of codenames and for the days where all we can manage to do is giggle non-stop.
Group hugs in the name of solidarity for our sisters, snottily crying into each other's arms and scraping gum off her skirt when she sits on it are the true definitions of sisterhood.
Braiding each others hair, meeting each others dogs, random and detailed compliments, and hour long rants are the moments of true and honest love.
And it leads me to question why people say things like,
“I’m not like other girls”
Why wouldn’t you want to be?
Putting down your own in order for you to rise makes no sense to me, and we really need to stop letting ourselves be pitted against each other!
Sisterhood is divine magic, and no one can ever convince me otherwise.