Australia is in the middle of our worst bushfires and drought in known history and water has consequently become a scarce resource.
Instead of us, as a supposedly ‘capable’ and ‘rational’ species, being able to critically analyse and evaluate why these tragic environmental havocs are occurring and then to come up with a morally-correct, scientifically-backed, sustainable and effective solution,
We slaughter 10 000+ innocent camels.
And have the AUDACITY
The A U D A C I T Y
To claim it’s because they ‘drink too much water.’
Keep in mind, our species was advanced enough to develop refined spacecraft that can travel distances beyond comprehension and show us the beauty of the universe we cannot even possibly imagine.
We were able to grasp and practice complex systems such as mathematics, science, language and the arts.
We are advanced enough for empathy and critical thinking (sometimes).
Yet, when a problem occurs (drought and water scarcity) and it is our very own fault, we KILL another species, hiding in helicopters and behind guns like the vile cowards we are, and determine that unnecessary and cruel violence is the only possible solution.
Well, you moronic murderers/cowardly camel-killers let’s evaluate the facts.
1. We brought camels to Australia. They aren’t native so they don’t align with the Australian ecosystem. That isn’t their fault at all. It’s ours. They don’t need to pay with their lives, we need to accept that this is our mistake and work around them, coming up with humane and creative solutions
2. Our Liberal government is failing us all miserably. Scandal after scandal, with no one holding them accountable, they keep profiting off of our suffering and walk away with false assurances to the public of ‘backing farmers.’ The perfect example being Barnaby Joyce in 2017 (I’ll link a few articles about this particular scandal below)
3. Killing camels is an ineffective and temporary strategy, for it’s the humans that are the cause and perpetrators. Our horrifying and mismanagement of water will not be solved by some random dude fulfilling his fantasy of being James Bond for 5 days and shooting from a helicopter, thereafter becoming a decorated international spy. This issue will only be solved when we elect a sane government, regularly hold it accountable and look beyond superficial and incredibly biased media to keep us informed.
At the end of the day, we are killing an innocent and vulnerable being. The being has committed no crime, is minding their own business and cannot defend themselves against our blind, ignorant and uninformed hostility and massive weapons.
It shocks me how violence and killing are ingrained in my fellow beings. I know we can push beyond this primitive mindset and unlock a logical, harmonious and prosperous way of thinking and action. It starts with us, as cliche as that sounds. Through discussion and debate, listening and understand, and just being better is the most I feel we can do. Also, vote with your dollar, attend rallies and sign petitions. You matter.
We can all collectively bond over our shared love for camels and their chewing motion and our mutual disdain for everything Barnaby Joyce ever does.
Find out more about this Barnaby’s shushed scandal here: